In every amplifier circuit, the input resistor is critical. Any noise at the input signal will be amplified to the full gain. It is therefore of high importance to choose a low-noise resistor at the first stage, as well as a low resistance value. This is however not valid for a load resistor, since the gain that is obtained from a high resistance value outweighs the higher noise level. Because thermal noise is temperature dependent, it is very effective to cool the input stages to reach a low-noise performance.
Noise is an unwanted phenomenon for resistors. For some applications the noise properties are important. Examples are high gain amplifiers, charge amplifiers and low-level signals. Resistor noise is often specified as micro-volt, noise per volt of applied voltage, for a 1 MHz bandwidth. Thermal noise is the predominant source of noise for resistors. It is dependent on three variables: resistance, temperature and bandwidth.
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